Home (R3)About UsOrganisation and HistoryR3 Member Societies

R3 Member Societies

The IARU is a fed­er­a­tion of nation­al asso­ci­a­tions of licensed radio ama­teurs rep­re­sent­ing more than 160 coun­tries and sep­a­rate ter­ri­to­ries all over the world. The mem­ber­ship of the IARU con­sists of its mem­ber-soci­eties, who have been vot­ed into mem­ber­ship by the exist­ing members.

There can be only one mem­ber-soci­ety in each coun­try or sep­a­rate ter­ri­to­ry. Mem­ber-soci­eties have cer­tain oblig­a­tions to IARU to:

  1. Ade­quate­ly rep­re­sent the inter­ests of ama­teurs through­out the coun­try and/or sep­a­rate ter­ri­to­ry, which it pro­pos­es to represent
  2. Meet its finan­cial oblig­a­tions as a mem­ber of the IARU
  3. Be in a posi­tion to legal­ly act in the fur­ther­ance of IARU objec­tives with­in its coun­try and/or sep­a­rate territory
  4. Always act in the inter­ests of ama­teur radio and IARU and
  5. Adhere to the Con­sti­tu­tions of both the IARU and the respec­tive region­al organization.

The cur­rent list of mem­ber-soci­eties (main­tained by the IARU Inter­na­tion­al Sec­re­tari­at) is avail­able here.

Mem­ber-soci­eties are request­ed to send updat­ed infor­ma­tion (changes in offi­cers, address­es, etc.) to the IARU Sec­re­tary:

Print This Page Updated on February 17, 2020

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